A broad spectrum of academic excellence in different research sectors is represented, open to share their domain expertise, knowledge, and resources in different application areas of Data Science and Computing.

If you feel that your institution should be part of the network, just contact us!

The alliance of Hamburg universities for computer science

The Hamburg universities for computer science: University of Hamburg, Technical University of Hamburg, HafenCity University Hamburg and Hamburg Univer...

Artificial Intelligence Center Hamburg e.V. (ARIC)

All topics about Artificial Intelligence interesting for the Metropolitan Region of Hamburg

For a targeted promotion and sustainable use of the potential in the field of AI, a cross-sector and cross-topic bundling of know-how is decisive. Thi...


bAIome-Center for Biomedical AI, UKE

bAIome is a nucleation point for biomedical AI research at University medical clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE). 

bAIome was founded in 2019 with the mission to develop novel AI approaches using clinical data and translate them into innovative solutions that integ...


Bernhard Nocht Institute of Tropical Medicine, BNITM

BNITM – Research for Global Health

BNITM is Germany's largest institution for research, care and teaching in the field of tropical and emerging infectious diseases. BNITM research prior...


Center for Data and Computer in Natural Sciences, DESY, TUHH, UHH

Interdisciplinary project of DESY, TUHH and UHH to synergize Data Science knowledge in natural sciences

The Center for Data and Computing (CDCS) is a interdisciplinary, joined project from DESY, the Technical University Hamburg and the University of Hamb...


Center for Legal Technology and Data Science, BLS

Research Center for Computational Legal Studies and Legal Technology at Bucerius Law School

Increasing amounts of social, economic, and political complexity have manifested as mounting legal complexity. Legal systems need to find mechanisms f...

People Dirk Hartung

Center for Sustainable Research Data Management, UHH

The Center for Sustainable Research Data Management (RDM) would like to provide comprehensive support to scientists and researchers at the Universität Hamburg in the selection and use of digital tools and services in handling research data.

The Center for Sustainable Research Data Management (RDM Center) is a central institution of the Universität Hamburg, which is assigned to the Vice-P...


Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC), UHH

The centre brings together an international and cross-disciplinary research community to study written artefacts

CSMCís main research goal is to understand how societies have shaped material manifestations of writing and how, conversely, material manifestations ...


Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe QU

A DFG funded cluster of Excellence investigating relations between quantum physics describing the smallest objects in nature, and the structure and evolution of the universe.

The research of the cluster centers on a comprehensive investigation of the intriguing relations between quantum physics describing the smallest objec...


CoSy.Bio - Institute for Computational Systems Biology, UHH

CoSy.Bio is a nucleation point for AI-driven translation of medical data into clinical action at the Universität Hamburg (UHH).

CoSy.Bio was founded in 2021 with the mission to develop novel AI tools for the identification of disease mechanisms and their mechanistic/causative t...

People Jan Baumbach

Data Science in Hamburg | Helmholtz Graduate School for the Structure of Matter, DESY & UHH & TUHH & HSU & HAW & Hereon & HZI & MPSD & EuXFEL

Helmholtz graduate school educating the next generation of international and interdisciplinary data scientists

DASHH is an interdisciplinary graduate school that offers challenging PhD topics at the interface of the natural sciences, applied mathematics, and co...

DESY is one of the world’s leading accelerator centres.

DESY is one of the world’s leading accelerator centres. Researchers use the large-scale facilities at DESY to explore the microcosm in all its varie...

A long-term project to document and research German Sign Language (DGS)

The DGS-Korpus project is a long-term project of the Academy of Sciences in Hamburg for the documentation of and research on German Sign Language (DGS...

People Marc Schulder

Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services

Fraunhofer CML develops innovative solutions for the maritime sector and the maritime supply chain. We support companies and institutions from shipping, port management and logistics in initiating and implementing future-oriented technologies and processes.

The Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services CML develops innovative solutions for the maritime sector and the maritime supply chain. We ...


Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP

Creative solutions for the entire value chain – from the idea to the customized prototype

WE MAKE MATERIALS FIT FOR THE FUTURE! Creative solutions are the key to overcoming the challenges of the present and the future - whether they be cli...

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Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology ITMP

Discovery Research ScreeningPort

Fraunhofer ITMP is specialized in acquisition, curation, and analysis of Life Sciences informatics data. In cooperation with national and internation...


German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

The GIGA is an independent social science research institute based in Hamburg, Germany. We analyse political, social, and economic developments in Afr...


Hamburger Informatik Technologie-Center e.V. (HITeC)

Technology Transfer with applied cooperation projects in all computer science topics of the Fachbereich Informatik of the Universität Hamburg

HITeC is the Research and Technology Transfer Center of the Department of Informatics at the University of Hamburg. Due to its independent status, HIT...


Helmholtz Imaging

Helmholtz Imaging's mission is to unlock the potential of imaging in the Helmholtz Association.

Helmholtz Imaging's mission is to unlock the potential of imaging in the Helmholtz Association. Image data provide a substantial part of data being ge...

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Hub of Computing and Data Science, UHH

Central Unit of Universität Hamburg for digital transformation of research for all disciplines

As a central institution of the University of Hamburg, the Hub of Computing and Data Science (HCDS) supports interdisciplinary research and applicatio...


ICDC, CEN Universität Hamburg

The Integrated Climate Data Center (ICDC) allows easy access to climate relevant data from in-situ measurements and satellite remote sensing. These data are important to determine the status and the changes in the climate system. 

People Remon Sadikni

Institut für Theoretische Elektrotechnik, TUHH

The Institut für Theoretische Elektrotechnik is part of the School of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH). 

Areas of interest of the institute cover many aspects of theory, computation, and application of electromagnetic field properties. Special focus is pu...


Institute for Data Engineering, TU Hamburg

Research institute, working on topics at the intersection of distributed systems and data engineering. 

The Institute for Data Engineering at TU Hamburg conducts research and teaching at the intersection of data engineering and distributed systems, with ...

Research institute of the MSH with focus on interdisciplinary research, and on investigating systems of the human body as part of an integrated whole.

The areas of systems biology, systems neuroscience and epidemiology form the main focus of the institute. The groups at the ISM have interdisciplinary...


Language Technology Group, Dept. of Informatics, UHH

Research group working on all aspects of natural language processing with a focus on semantics, human-in-the-loop methods and adaptive systems

The Language Technology group is researching on all aspects of technologies for the processing of natural (human) language, and apply language technol...


Leibniz Institute of Virology

The Leibniz Institute of Virology (LIV) is a non-profit, independent research foundation that has been part of the Leibniz Association since 1995.

The LIV’s research is partly funded by the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and the combined research funding by the Länder, which is represented by Hamburg’s Ministry of Science, Research, Equality and Districts (BWFGB). Significant funding is also acquired through competitive bidding from national research programmes, private foundations and the industry.

The LIV is a Leibniz Institute of national standing dedicated to research in the field of experimental virology. Following the aims and statutes of th...


Leibniz ScienceCampus "Integrative Analysis of pathogen-induced Compartments", InterACt

Interdisciplinary infection research network linking existing research groups in the fields of infection research and structural biology in the Hamburg Metropolitan region even more closely.

InterACt, a Leibniz ScienceCampus, is a strategic initiative. As an interdisciplinary infection research network on the topic of 'Integrative Analysis...


Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter

Scientific Support Unit researching the use of computation to accelerate and support research. 

The Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD)investigates the structure and properties of matter down to its atomic andelec...

People Hans Fangohr

Max-Planck-Insitut für Meteorologie

We are interested in the processes that establish Earth’s climate and that cause it to change.

Our interests gain impetus from the fact that human activity is amplifying the atmosphere’s greenhouse effect, making it imperative to know how this...


Media Research Methods Lab at the Leibniz-Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut

The Media Research Methods Lab (MRML) at the HBI combines the methodological expertise of the HBI in an organisational unit that focuses on linking established social science methods with novel digital procedures.

The research perspective of the Leibniz-Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut focuses on media transformation and related structural cha...


MLE Machine Learning in Engineering

MLE ist eine Initiative zur Bündelung der Kompetenzen im Bereich Machine Learning an der Technischen Universität Hamburg mit dem Ziel des Wissenstransfers in Richtung Wirtschaft und Industrie.

Studierende, Promovierende, Postdocs, Professorinnen und Professoren aller Dekanate der TUHH engagieren sich gemeinsam mit Kollegen des Helmholtz-Zent...


Referat für Digitale Forschungsdienste, State and University Library Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky

Unit for the integration of digital humanities activities and services into the SUB portfolio

Libraries are becoming increasingly important as providers of "digital scholarship services". As the central academic university library and state arc...


Research Center Borstel

The Borstel Research Center is the Lung Research Center of the Leibniz Association.

The Borstel Research Center is the Lung Research Center of the Leibniz Association. It investigates diseases associated with civilization such as asth...


The Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg, AdWHH

Member of the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities

The Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg was founded in 2004 by the Parliament of Hamburg with the goal of intensifying interdisciplinary and...

People Timm Lehmberg

The Helmut Schmidt University (HSU)

The Helmut Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg is a place of science.

The Helmut Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg is a place of science. She lives the idea of ​​education through scie...

Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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