A broad spectrum of academic excellence in different research sectors is represented, open to share their domain expertise, knowledge, and resources in different application areas of Data Science and Computing.

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Center for Legal Technology and Data Science, BLS

Increasing amounts of social, economic, and political complexity have manifested as mounting legal complexity. Legal systems need to find mechanisms for coping with these changes and handling the additional complexity. Technology and Data Science can help in this endeavor by evaluating legal systems, identifying potential for improvement, and ensuring Access to Justice.
Integral to any legal system are its actors. This is why the Bucerius Center for Legal Technology and Data Science has made it its mission to enable interdisciplinary academic research at the interface of legal scholarship and Data Science on one hand and to familiarize the next generation of legal scholars and lawyers with these methods on the other hand.
The center focuses on the legal market and its regulation, the development and application of technology in law, and quantitative research on law and society. Its goal is to help actors in the legal system in handling legal complexity and managing legal risk.



Dirk Hartung

Executive Director, CLTDS

Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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