Our events in the areas of Big Data and Research Innovation include a diverse set of topics such as Future, Strategy, Technology, Applications, and Management.

If you feel that your event or event series should be part of this event calendar, just contact us!

Wednesday, December 18th, 2024 | 16:00 -18:00 p.m.

Seminar Series: Computation & Data

hybrid session: digital and at HSU, seminar room 110 (HSU / UniBw H)

Seminar Series "Computation & Data": The goal of the interdisciplinary seminar series “Computation & Data” at HSU is to bring together researchers and foster exchange on the development of algorithms, methods and software.

Michael Hohmann: Design Automation: A Conditional VAE Approach to 3D Object Generation under Conditions
René Heesch: 'A Lazy Approach to Neural Numerical Planning with Control Parameters’

Feel free to subscribe the seminar newsletter by sending an e-mail to with the subject line „Subscription Seminar Computation & Data”

Thursday, December 19th, 2024 | 08:00 - 09:30 a.m.

Recherche mit KI – Quellenjagd jenseits von ChatGPT #9


Barbara Bingenheimer, Hochschul- und Landesbibliothek

In Ergänzung zum Kurs „Literaturrecherche für Seminar- und Abschlussarbeiten“ zeigen wir Ihnen verschiedene KI-gestützte Recherche-Plattformen (geplant sind Research Rabbit, Semantic Scholar und SciSpace), mit denen Sie Ihre Suche nach wissenschaftlichen Quellen ergänzen und anreichern können.

Nach dem Besuch dieser Veranstaltung kennen Sie die Funktionsweise der einzelnen Plattformen, wissen um die Besonderheiten und Probleme der Tools und können beurteilen, ob sie grundsätzlich Recherche-KI-Tools zusätzlich zu den bisherigen Recherche-Möglichkeiten nutzen wollen.


  • Hochschule RheinMain 
Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 | | 09:00 - 12:00 a.m.

KI Hands-On #6: Was müssen Studierende in Zeiten von gKI Neues fürs Studium lernen?

Von-Melle-Park 9, 20146 Hamburg, Raum A215

Generative KI-Tools wie ChatGPT und Co. werfen nicht nur an der Universität Hamburg viele Fragen auf – von grundlegenden Zielen der Hochschulbildung über neue praktische Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten der eigenen Lehre bis hin zu konkreten prüfungsrechtlichen Aspekten. Unsere Veranstaltungsreihe und Community of Practice „KI Hands-On“ nimmt genau solchen Aspekte in den Blick. Beim Termin zu der Frage "Was müssen Studierende in Zeiten von gKI Neues fürs Studium lernen?".

(Generative) KI hat uns allen neue Möglichkeiten eröffnet – auch den Studierenden. Während auf der einen Seite Rufe nach besseren Plagiatsprüfungstools laut werden, möchten wir uns dem Thema aus einer didaktischen Perspektive nähern und haben uns in einem gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekt von DDLitLab und HUL mit der Frage auseinandergesetzt, welches neue Wissen und welche neuen Fähigkeiten Studierende brauchen, um gKI verantwortungsbewusst und konstruktiv im Studium einzusetzen.

In diesem KI Hands-On werden wir unsere Vorgehensweise und Ergebnisse präsentieren und diskutieren. Außerdem werden wir uns gemeinsam der Fragen widmen, wie Sie diesen Themen in Ihrer eigenen Lehre Raum geben können und möchten - oder es womöglich im Sinne eines Good-Practice-Beispiels - bereits tun?

Die Anmeldung hier 

Sie wollen zusätzlich über weitere Veranstaltungen und aktuelle Entwicklungen auf dem Laufenden bleiben? Dann melden Sie sich zum Newsletter "gKI-Lehre" an.


  • DDLitLab, ISA-Zentrum
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Tuesday, January 20th, 2025 | 18:15 - 19:45 p.m.

Public Lecture Series: Taming the Machines. The Future of Prediction. Algorithmic Forecast in Science and Society

UHH, Main Building, ESA 1 Ost Raum O221
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have become central to numerous aspects of our lives, and are significantly reshaping them. These include our homes, our workplaces, industries in general, schools and academia, but also government, law enforcement and warfare. While AI technologies present many opportunities, they have also been shown to reinforce existing injustices, to threaten human rights, and to exacerbate the climate crisis. This begs the question: How can we collectively and meaningfully shape the digital society we live in, and who is to decide on the agenda? 
This lecture series invites viewpoints from different relevant disciplines to explore how we can preserve and advance human values through the development and use of AI technologies. Key questions include: How does AI impact our fundamental social, political, and economic structures? What does it mean to lead a meaningful life in the AI age? What design and regulatory decisions should we make to ensure digital transformations are fair and sustainable?  
To explore these and other related questions, this public lecture series invites distinguished international researchers to present and discuss their work. To get the latest updates and details how to attend the lectures, please visit

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Elena Esposito, Universität Bielefeld, DE


  • UHH
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Wednesday, January 22th, 2024 | 10:00 -17:45 p.m.

Call for Submissions: Day of OCR

Philosophenturm, Von-Melle-Park 6, 20146 Hamburg

We are pleased to announce that the State- and University Library Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky and the University of Hamburg will be hosting a half-day workshop on ATR (Automated Text Recognition, OCR/HTR) at the DH Lab @ Philturm on 22 January 2025 with up to 6 presentations on current ATR-related projects or initiatives. This event aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in Hamburg to share their insights and developments in the field and provide a platform for discussion and exchange of experiences. We invite all interested parties to share their projects related to the topic, individuals at all levels of ATR knowledge are welcome to attend.

The workshop will run from 10:00 to 16:00 and will conclude with a 90-minute introductory hands-on workshop on eScriptorium from 16:15 to 17:45.
Presentations can cover any ATR-related topic, including but not limited to:

  • ATR tools (especially eScriptorium),
  • applications of ATR in different domains,
  • multi-language scripts,
  • case studies and practical implementations,
  • evaluation metrics and benchmarking,
  • network and community building.

We encourage submissions on any topic related to ATR.

Key details:

  • Presentations should be in English or German, but topics can address any language (e.g., Arabic, Chinese, etc.) as long as they are ATR related.
  • Expected length of presentations: 10-20 minutes (please specify in your submission).
  • Submission deadline: 02.12.2024 12:00 pm
  • Please send all details to

We look forward to receiving your submission and engaging in fruitful discussions at this event. If you are interested in attending, but not presenting, please send us an email with your name, so we can register you as a participant.

Saturday, Janurary 25th, 2025 | 10:00 -11:30 p.m.

Recherche mit KI – Quellenjagd jenseits von ChatGPT #10


Barbara Bingenheimer, Hochschul- und Landesbibliothek

In Ergänzung zum Kurs „Literaturrecherche für Seminar- und Abschlussarbeiten“ zeigen wir Ihnen verschiedene KI-gestützte Recherche-Plattformen (geplant sind Research Rabbit, Semantic Scholar und SciSpace), mit denen Sie Ihre Suche nach wissenschaftlichen Quellen ergänzen und anreichern können.

Nach dem Besuch dieser Veranstaltung kennen Sie die Funktionsweise der einzelnen Plattformen, wissen um die Besonderheiten und Probleme der Tools und können beurteilen, ob sie grundsätzlich Recherche-KI-Tools zusätzlich zu den bisherigen Recherche-Möglichkeiten nutzen wollen.


  • Hochschule RheinMain 
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Tuesday, January 27th, 2024 | 18:15 - 19:45 p.m.

Public Lecture Series: Taming the Machines. A Fallibilist Approach to AI Value Alignment

UHH, Main Building, ESA 1 Ost Raum O221
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have become central to numerous aspects of our lives, and are significantly reshaping them. These include our homes, our workplaces, industries in general, schools and academia, but also government, law enforcement and warfare. While AI technologies present many opportunities, they have also been shown to reinforce existing injustices, to threaten human rights, and to exacerbate the climate crisis. This begs the question: How can we collectively and meaningfully shape the digital society we live in, and who is to decide on the agenda? 
This lecture series invites viewpoints from different relevant disciplines to explore how we can preserve and advance human values through the development and use of AI technologies. Key questions include: How does AI impact our fundamental social, political, and economic structures? What does it mean to lead a meaningful life in the AI age? What design and regulatory decisions should we make to ensure digital transformations are fair and sustainable?  
To explore these and other related questions, this public lecture series invites distinguished international researchers to present and discuss their work. To get the latest updates and details how to attend the lectures, please visit

Prof. Dr. Ibo van de Poel, Delft University of Technology, NL

Value alignment is important to ensure that AI systems remain aligned with human intentions, preferences, and values. It has been suggested that it can best be achieved by building AI systems that can track preferences or values in real-time. In my talk, I argue against this idea of real-time value alignment. First, I show that the value alignment problem is not unique to AI, but applies to any technology, thus opening up alternative strategies for attaining value alignment. Next, I argue that due to uncertainty about appropriate alignment goals, real-time value alignment may lead to harmful optimization and therefore will likely do more harm than good. Instead, it is better to base value alignment on a fallibilist epistemology, which assumes that complete certainty about the proper target of value alignment is and will remain impossible. Three alternative principles for AI value alignment are proposed: 1) adopt a fallibilist epistemology regarding the target of value alignment; 2) focus on preventing serious misalignments rather than aiming for perfect alignment; 3) retain AI systems under human control even if it comes at the cost of full value alignment.


  • UHH
Thursday, January 28th, 2025 | 10:00 - 10:30 a.m.

(Neue) Regeln zur künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) – was bedeutet das für Hochschulen?!

via Zoom

Die KI-Verordnung (KI-VO) ist ein Prestigeprojekt der EU. Es ist zu erwarten, dass das groß angelegte Regulierungsvorhaben die Verbreitung und den Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in der Union und über ihre Grenzen hinaus erheblich beeinflussen wird.

In diesem Workshop wollen wir die Inhalte der KI-Verordnung, die Bezüge zum Urheber- und Datenschutzrecht, die Bezüge zu OpenData und insbesondere für (öffentliche) Hochschulen relevante Bezüge herausarbeiten.

Die Teilnehmenden sind eingeladen, vorab ggf. eigene Fragen/Fälle vorzubereiten und bei Interesse im Workshop vorzutragen.

Schwerpunkte sind:

  • KI-Verordnung bzw. AI-Act
  • UrhG

Anmeldung hier

Als virtuellen Lernort werden wir ZOOM nutzen. Der ZOOM-Link wird einen Tag vor Schulungsbeginn bis 13:00 Uhr versendet.


  • Multimedia Kontor Hamburg gGmbH
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Wednesday, February 05th, 2025 | 18:00 - 19:00 p.m.

Lectures Series: Optimisation for the Masses: No-Code, No-Math Modelling of Decision Problems

KLU, Grosser Grasbrook 17, 20457 Hamburg

Distinguished Lecture Series in Business Analytics & Data Science
The Distinguished Lecture Series in Business Analytics & Data Science at Kühne Logistics University (KLU) presents public lectures on selected topics in analytics, data science, and their applications across various industries, including logistics and supply chain management. Targeted at students, alumni, industry professionals, and other interested individuals, the series offers insights into the latest advancements, trends, and challenges in these fields. Attendees gain valuable knowledge on how data-driven decision-making can transform business operations and enhance efficiency in today's digital economy.

Optimisation for the Masses: No-Code, No-Math Modelling of Decision Problems
Despite significant advancements in optimisation algorithms, their application remains limited to a narrow range of decision problems within businesses and organisations. Contributing to this gap between algorithmic innovation and practical usage is the complexity of translating real-world constraints into mathematical models required in order to be able to apply off-the-shelf optimisation solvers. Developing custom-made optimisation algorithms, as an alternative, demands substantial upfront investment and ongoing maintenance to ensure compatibility with evolving business needs. If such maintenance and adjustments are not done continuously, a significant technical debt can accumulate weakening overall competitiveness. This presentation shows how domain experts without expertise in mathematical modelling or programming can formulate and maintain decision problems graphically, providing all the information that is needed to apply algorithms for solving respective optimisation problems.

Event free of charge, Register now!


  • Kühne Logistics University (KLU)
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Tuesday, April 1th, 2025 | 09:00 - 17:00

MLE Days 2025

TUHH, Building H, mainly room H 0.16

The event will feature presentations MLE members and partners, as well as networking opportunities. Its primary objective is to foster stronger connections and collaborations within the MLE network and with strategic partners.
Further details will be provided in due course.

Join us to discover the new applications of machine learning in engineering practice!


  • Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) 

Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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