applied machine learning


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Monday, 9th & Tuesday 10th October, 2023

Digital Total

Audimax 1 & 2, Von-Melle-Park 4, 20146 Hamburg

The two-day event "Digital Total" is organized and conducted by the House of Computing & Data Science (HCDS) of the Universität Hamburg, in collaboration with partners from the scientific platform PIER PLUS and the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg.

Day 1 - Computing & Data Science in the Metropolitan Region

The goal of the first day, which is co-organized by CDCS, is to showcase and consolidate the topics of Data Science / AI / Computation, which are strongly represented in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. A key focus will be the discussion on a common PIER PLUS initiative called "PIER Computing and Data Science." Additionally, the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg will host an interdisciplinary forum for exchanging ideas about the future of digital transformation in the metropolitan region and potential synergies among cross-institutional initiatives. The first day will be concluded with a social event in the evening.

Day 2 - Computing & Data Science at the Universität Hamburg

The second day will focus on Data Science / AI / Computation at the Universität Hamburg. It will also serve as the kickoff for introducing the Cross-Disciplinary Labs (CDLs) located within HCDS.

Alongside the presentations in Audimax 1 & 2, the foyer will feature posters showcasing various projects throughout the event, presented during two poster sessions on Day 1 and 2.

A detailed program and registration for Digital Total can be found here



Angela Relógio

Co-Director ISM, MSH
PI Circadian Medicine and Systems Biology group
Professor for Systems Medicine

Annika Eichler

Professor for Control, TUHH
Senior Researcher and Subgroup Leader, DESY

Chris Biemann

Scientific Director, HCDS
Professor for Language Technology

Florian Griese

administrative-scientific Manager, CDCS

Gregor Kasieczka

Professor for Machine Learning in Particle Physics
Platform Coordinator and Leader of Data Science Platform, QU

Gregor Vonbun-Feldbauer

Coordinator, MLE@TUHH

Gregor Wiedemann

Senior Researcher Computational Social Science
Head of the Media Research Methods Lab (MRML)

Jens-Peter M. Zemke

Coordinator, MLE
Oberingenieur, Institute of Mathematics, TUHH

Lothar Hotz

Researcher, HCDS
CEO at Hamburger Informatik Technologie-Center e.V.
Chairman at Artificial Intelligence Center e.V.



Center for Data and Computer in Natural Sciences, DESY, TUHH, UHH

Interdisciplinary project of DESY, TUHH and UHH to synergize Data Science knowledge in natural sciences


Center for Legal Technology and Data Science, BLS

Research Center for Computational Legal Studies and Legal Technology at Bucerius Law School


Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe QU

A DFG funded cluster of Excellence investigating relations between quantum physics describing the smallest objects in nature, and the structure and evolution of the universe.


Hamburger Informatik Technologie-Center e.V. (HITeC)

Technology Transfer with applied cooperation projects in all computer science topics of the Fachbereich Informatik of the Universität Hamburg


Media Research Methods Lab at the Leibniz-Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut

The Media Research Methods Lab (MRML) at the HBI combines the methodological expertise of the HBI in an organisational unit that focuses on linking established social science methods with novel digital procedures.

Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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