

Monday, December 11th, 2023 | 18:00 p.m.

AI regulation’s measurement problem: Assessing the risks of automated decision-making systems to health, safety, fundamental rights, and the rule of law

Professor Dr. Carsten Gerner-Beuerle, Professor of Commercial Law, Faculty of Laws, University College London

The Network for Artificial Intelligence and Law (NAIL) invites you to its next event. We are delighted to welcome Professor Dr. Carsten Gerner-Beuerle, Faculty of Laws, University College London. He will talk about the difficulties of assessing the precise risks to health, safety, fundamental rights and the rule of law when regulating artificial intelligence. The lecture will be followed by a discussion around the topic. The event will be held in English.

After the lecture and discussion, we would like to invite you to end the evening with us in a relaxed atmosphere, with pretzels and wine in the south lounge.

You can participate in presence or online. Please register for the event using the following link: Registration


  • Network for Artificial Intelligence and Law (NAIL)


Wednesday, December 11th, 2024 | 18:00 - 19:30 p.m.

Cyberkriminalität im Kontext generativer KI

Rothenbaumchaussee 33, 20148 Hamburg, A125

RA Dr. Dr. Fabian Teichmann, LL.M.

Alle sind herzlich eingeladen!

Eine Bescheinigung nach § 15 FAO (IT-Recht und Strafrecht) kann nach vorheriger Anmeldung unter ausgestellt werden.


  • Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft
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Wednesday, March 12th 2025 | 10:00 - 12:30 a.m.

KI-Verordnung – was nun? Herausforderungen des AI Acts für Hochschulen

via Zoom

Künstliche Intelligenz und vor allem generative KI-Modelle haben in Hochschulen nicht erst in den letzten 2,5 Jahren einen deutlich gestiegenen Einsatz erfahren sowie wachsende Anwendungskontexte erschlossen. Dennoch ist die rechtliche Einordnung und Bewertung für Hochschulen noch immer eine große Herausforderung, da es zu Beginn an gesetzlichen Regelungen und auch konkreten Rechtsprechungen mangelte. Auch war und ist das Rollenverständnis für Hochschulen in diesem Kontext oft noch relativ diffus. Mit dem europäischen AI Act und diversen Rechtsprechungen liegen aber zunehmend rechtliche Leitplanken vor, an denen sich die Hochschulen orientieren können und auch müssen. Was bedeutet das aber konkret für die Hochschulen? Unter anderem mit den nachfolgenden Fragestellungen wollen wir uns im Rahmen dieser Online-Veranstaltung in vier Impulsbeiträgen beschäftigen und auch Raum für Nachfragen bieten:

  • Welchen Rechtsrahmen benötigen Hochschulen vor dem Hintergrund der KI-Verordnung für den Anwendungsbereich der Lehre?
  • Welche Aspekte wären für den Geltungsbereich in der Forschung relevant?
  • Wie muss das Prüfungsrecht im Umgang mit Hochrisikosystemen ausgestaltet werden?
  • Welche Implikationen ergeben sich aus dem Urheberrecht und dem Datenschutz für Hochschulen in der Rolle als KI-Anbieter?
  • Welche weiteren Anforderungen ergeben sich aus dem AI Act für Hochschulen?
  • Und wie müssen die Angehörigen einer Hochschule ggf. dafür qualifiziert werden?


  • Multimedia Kontor Hamburg gGmbH (MMKH)
  • e-learning academic network (elan e.V.) 
Monday, January 20th, 2025 | 6:00 p.m.

NAIL Research Seminar #19: Game Over: Facing the AI Negotiator

UHH, Institut für Recht und Ökonomik, Alsterterrasse 1, Raum AT223

Professor Christoph Kumpan and Professor Georg Ringe would like to invite you to the NAIL Research Seminar #19 on Monday, 20 January 2025, starting at 18h00 (CET), with Prof. Horst Eidenmüller (University of Oxford), who will give a presentation titled "Game Over: Facing the AI Negotiator".

The lecture will be followed by a discussion on the topic. The event will be held in English and will take place in person in Room AT223 at the University of Hamburg (Alsterterasse 1). You can also participate online by registering your participation via mail.

Abstract: AI applications will put an end to negotiation processes as we know them. The typical back-and-forth communication and haggling in a state of information insecurity could soon be a thing of the past. AI applications will increase the information level of the parties and drastically reduce transaction costs. A quick and predictable agreement in the middle of a visible bargaining range could become the new normal. But sophisticated negotiators will shift this bargaining range to their advantage. They will automate negotiation moves and execute value-claiming strategies with precision, exploiting remaining information asymmetries to their advantage. Prof. Eidenmüller will examine the transformative effects of these developments on negotiation processes, highlighting the critical need to understand how technology reshapes power dynamics and strategic behavior among stakeholders.

More information about the NAIL project is available on our institutional website. Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive notifications for future events.


  • Network for Artificial Intelligence and Law (NAIL)
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Tuesday, January 27th, 2024 | 18:15 - 19:45 p.m.

Public Lecture Series: Taming the Machines. A Fallibilist Approach to AI Value Alignment

UHH, Main Building, ESA 1 Ost Raum O221
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have become central to numerous aspects of our lives, and are significantly reshaping them. These include our homes, our workplaces, industries in general, schools and academia, but also government, law enforcement and warfare. While AI technologies present many opportunities, they have also been shown to reinforce existing injustices, to threaten human rights, and to exacerbate the climate crisis. This begs the question: How can we collectively and meaningfully shape the digital society we live in, and who is to decide on the agenda? 
This lecture series invites viewpoints from different relevant disciplines to explore how we can preserve and advance human values through the development and use of AI technologies. Key questions include: How does AI impact our fundamental social, political, and economic structures? What does it mean to lead a meaningful life in the AI age? What design and regulatory decisions should we make to ensure digital transformations are fair and sustainable?  
To explore these and other related questions, this public lecture series invites distinguished international researchers to present and discuss their work. To get the latest updates and details how to attend the lectures, please visit

Prof. Dr. Ibo van de Poel, Delft University of Technology, NL

Value alignment is important to ensure that AI systems remain aligned with human intentions, preferences, and values. It has been suggested that it can best be achieved by building AI systems that can track preferences or values in real-time. In my talk, I argue against this idea of real-time value alignment. First, I show that the value alignment problem is not unique to AI, but applies to any technology, thus opening up alternative strategies for attaining value alignment. Next, I argue that due to uncertainty about appropriate alignment goals, real-time value alignment may lead to harmful optimization and therefore will likely do more harm than good. Instead, it is better to base value alignment on a fallibilist epistemology, which assumes that complete certainty about the proper target of value alignment is and will remain impossible. Three alternative principles for AI value alignment are proposed: 1) adopt a fallibilist epistemology regarding the target of value alignment; 2) focus on preventing serious misalignments rather than aiming for perfect alignment; 3) retain AI systems under human control even if it comes at the cost of full value alignment.


  • UHH
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Tuesday, December 09th, 2024 | 18:15 - 19:45 p.m.

Public Lecture Series: Taming the Machines. AI and the Future of Work

UHH, Main Building, ESA 1 Ost Raum O221
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have become central to numerous aspects of our lives, and are significantly reshaping them. These include our homes, our workplaces, industries in general, schools and academia, but also government, law enforcement and warfare. While AI technologies present many opportunities, they have also been shown to reinforce existing injustices, to threaten human rights, and to exacerbate the climate crisis. This begs the question: How can we collectively and meaningfully shape the digital society we live in, and who is to decide on the agenda? 
This lecture series invites viewpoints from different relevant disciplines to explore how we can preserve and advance human values through the development and use of AI technologies. Key questions include: How does AI impact our fundamental social, political, and economic structures? What does it mean to lead a meaningful life in the AI age? What design and regulatory decisions should we make to ensure digital transformations are fair and sustainable?  
To explore these and other related questions, this public lecture series invites distinguished international researchers to present and discuss their work. To get the latest updates and details how to attend the lectures, please visit

Prof. Dr. Kate Vredenburgh, London School of Economics, GB

Current AI regulation in the EU and globally focus on trustworthiness and accountability, as seen in the AI Act and AI Liability instruments. Yet, they overlook a critical aspect: environmental sustainability. This talk addresses this gap by examining the ICT sector's significant environmental impact. AI technologies, particularly generative models like GPT-4, contribute substantially to global greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption.
The talk assesses how existing and proposed regulations, including EU environmental laws and the GDPR, can be adapted to prioritize sustainability. It advocates for a comprehensive approach to sustainable AI regulation, beyond mere transparency mechanisms for disclosing AI systems' environmental footprint, as proposed in the EU AI Act. The regulatory toolkit must include co-regulation, sustainability-by-design principles, data usage restrictions, and consumption limits, potentially integrating AI into the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. This multidimensional strategy offers a blueprint that can be adapted to other high-emission technologies and infrastructures, such as block chain, the meta-verse, or data centers. Arguably, it is crucial for tackling the twin key transformations of our society: digitization and climate change mitigation.


  • UHH
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Tuesday, July 09th, 2024 | 18:15 - 19:45 p.m.

Public Lecture Series: Taming the Machines. Frontier AI Regulation: from Trustworthiness to Sustainability

UHH, Main Building, West Wing, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Room 221

Taming the Machines — Horizons of Artificial Intelligence. The Ethics in Information Technology Public Lecture Series

This summer‘s „Taming the Machine“ lecture series sheds light on the ethical, political, legal, and societal dimensions of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
This lecture series brings together perspectives from ethics, politics, law, geography, and media studies to assess the potential for preserving and developing human values in the design, dissemination, and application of AI technologies. How does AI challenge our most fundamental social, political, and economic institutions? How can we bolster (or even improve) them in times of technological disruption? What regulations are needed to render AI environments fairer and more transparent? What needs to be done to make them more sustainable? In what sense could (and even should) we hold AI accountable?
To explore these and other related questions, this public lecture series invites distinguished international researchers to present and discuss their work. To get the latest updates and details how to attend the lectures, please visit

Prof. Dr. Philipp Hacker, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), D
Current AI regulation in the EU and globally focus on trustworthiness and accountability, as seen in the AI Act and AI Liability instruments. Yet, they overlook a critical aspect: environmental sustainability. This talk addresses this gap by examining the ICT sector's significant environmental impact. AI technologies, particularly generative models like GPT-4, contribute substantially to global greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption.
The talk assesses how existing and proposed regulations, including EU environmental laws and the GDPR, can be adapted to prioritize sustainability. It advocates for a comprehensive approach to sustainable AI regulation, beyond mere transparency mechanisms for disclosing AI systems' environmental footprint, as proposed in the EU AI Act. The regulatory toolkit must include co-regulation, sustainability-by-design principles, data usage restrictions, and consumption limits, potentially integrating AI into the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. This multidimensional strategy offers a blueprint that can be adapted to other high-emission technologies and infrastructures, such as block chain, the meta-verse, or data centers. Arguably, it is crucial for tackling the twin key transformations of our society: digitization and climate change mitigation.


  • UHH
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Tuesday, December 02th, 2024 | 18:15 - 19:45 p.m.

Public Lecture Series: Taming the Machines. Frontier AI Regulation: from Trustworthiness to Sustainability

UHH, Main Building, ESA 1 Ost Raum O221
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have become central to numerous aspects of our lives, and are significantly reshaping them. These include our homes, our workplaces, industries in general, schools and academia, but also government, law enforcement and warfare. While AI technologies present many opportunities, they have also been shown to reinforce existing injustices, to threaten human rights, and to exacerbate the climate crisis. This begs the question: How can we collectively and meaningfully shape the digital society we live in, and who is to decide on the agenda? 
This lecture series invites viewpoints from different relevant disciplines to explore how we can preserve and advance human values through the development and use of AI technologies. Key questions include: How does AI impact our fundamental social, political, and economic structures? What does it mean to lead a meaningful life in the AI age? What design and regulatory decisions should we make to ensure digital transformations are fair and sustainable?  
To explore these and other related questions, this public lecture series invites distinguished international researchers to present and discuss their work. To get the latest updates and details how to attend the lectures, please visit

Prof. Dr. Philipp Hacker, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), DE

Current AI regulation in the EU and globally focus on trustworthiness and accountability, as seen in the AI Act and AI Liability instruments. Yet, they overlook a critical aspect: environmental sustainability. This talk addresses this gap by examining the ICT sector's significant environmental impact. AI technologies, particularly generative models like GPT-4, contribute substantially to global greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption.
The talk assesses how existing and proposed regulations, including EU environmental laws and the GDPR, can be adapted to prioritize sustainability. It advocates for a comprehensive approach to sustainable AI regulation, beyond mere transparency mechanisms for disclosing AI systems' environmental footprint, as proposed in the EU AI Act. The regulatory toolkit must include co-regulation, sustainability-by-design principles, data usage restrictions, and consumption limits, potentially integrating AI into the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. This multidimensional strategy offers a blueprint that can be adapted to other high-emission technologies and infrastructures, such as block chain, the meta-verse, or data centers. Arguably, it is crucial for tackling the twin key transformations of our society: digitization and climate change mitigation.


  • UHH
images/02_events/TM%20Vorlessung%20Alle.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/02_events/TM Vorlessung Alle.jpg?width=800&height=300
Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 | 18:15 - 19:45 p.m.

Public Lecture Series: Taming the Machines. Repairing AI for Environmental Justice

UHH, Main Building, West Wing, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Room 221

Taming the Machines — Horizons of Artificial Intelligence. The Ethics in Information Technology Public Lecture Series

This summer‘s „Taming the Machine“ lecture series sheds light on the ethical, political, legal, and societal dimensions of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
This lecture series brings together perspectives from ethics, politics, law, geography, and media studies to assess the potential for preserving and developing human values in the design, dissemination, and application of AI technologies. How does AI challenge our most fundamental social, political, and economic institutions? How can we bolster (or even improve) them in times of technological disruption? What regulations are needed to render AI environments fairer and more transparent? What needs to be done to make them more sustainable? In what sense could (and even should) we hold AI accountable?
To explore these and other related questions, this public lecture series invites distinguished international researchers to present and discuss their work. To get the latest updates and details how to attend the lectures, please visit

Prof. Dr. Aimee van Wynsberghe, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, D

Let us imagine that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is broken. Not in the physical sense in which pieces are falling apart and need to be put together; rather, in the metaphorical sense in which there are serious ethical concerns related to the design and development of AI that demand repair. In this talk I will outline a definition of Sustainable AI as an umbrella term to cover two branches with different aims and methods: AI for sustainability vs the sustainability of AI. I will show that AI for sustainability holds great promise but is lacking in one crucial aspect; it fails to account for the environmental impact from the development of AI.
Alternatively, the environmental impact of AI training (and tuning) sits at the core of the sustainability of AI, for example measuring carbon emissions and electricity consumption, water and land usage, and regulating the mining of precious minerals. All of these environmental consequences fall on the shoulders of the most marginalized and vulnerable demographics across the globe (e.g. the slave like working conditions in the mining of minerals, the coastal communities susceptible to unpredictable weather conditions). By placing environmental consequences in the centre one is forced to recognize the environmental justice concerns underpinning all AI models. The question then becomes, how can the AI space be repaired to transform current structures and practices that systemically exacerbate environmental justice issues with the consequence of further marginalizing vulnerable groups.


  • UHH
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Tuesday, January 20th, 2025 | 18:15 - 19:45 p.m.

Public Lecture Series: Taming the Machines. The Future of Prediction. Algorithmic Forecast in Science and Society

UHH, Main Building, ESA 1 Ost Raum O221
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have become central to numerous aspects of our lives, and are significantly reshaping them. These include our homes, our workplaces, industries in general, schools and academia, but also government, law enforcement and warfare. While AI technologies present many opportunities, they have also been shown to reinforce existing injustices, to threaten human rights, and to exacerbate the climate crisis. This begs the question: How can we collectively and meaningfully shape the digital society we live in, and who is to decide on the agenda? 
This lecture series invites viewpoints from different relevant disciplines to explore how we can preserve and advance human values through the development and use of AI technologies. Key questions include: How does AI impact our fundamental social, political, and economic structures? What does it mean to lead a meaningful life in the AI age? What design and regulatory decisions should we make to ensure digital transformations are fair and sustainable?  
To explore these and other related questions, this public lecture series invites distinguished international researchers to present and discuss their work. To get the latest updates and details how to attend the lectures, please visit

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Elena Esposito, Universität Bielefeld, DE


  • UHH
Monday, January 29th, 2024 | 18:00 p.m.

The Privacy Fallacy: Harm and Power in the Information Economy

University of Hamburg, Faculty of Law, Rothenbaumchaussee 33, Room A125

Professor Ignacio Cofone, McGill University

The Hamburg Network for Artificial Intelligence and Law (NAIL) invites you to its next event. We are pleased to welcome Professor Ignacio Cofone from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. He presents his latest book in which he demonstrates why our legal system is unable to adequately protect our privacy in the reality of new data-driven technologies such as AI. The lecture is followed by a subsequent discussion on the topic. The event will be held in English.

The event will take place in person at the University of Hamburg, Faculty of Law, Rothenbaumchaussee 33, Room A125. No registration is required for this.

There is also the option of participating online. Please sign up by emailing


  • Network for Artificial Intelligence and Law (NAIL)




Dirk Hartung

Executive Director, CLTDS



Center for Legal Technology and Data Science, BLS

Research Center for Computational Legal Studies and Legal Technology at Bucerius Law School

Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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