data science


Thursday, April 04th, 2024 | 17:00 p.m

Data Science Colloquium: Neural Approaches to Optimal Transport

via Zoom

Prof. Marco Cuturi, Professor of Statistics, CREST - ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Research Scientist, Apple ML Research, Paris

In his talk, Prof. Cuturi wil cover the basics of the Kantorovich and Monge optimal transportation problems. In the following, he will proceed with an exposition of various approaches recently proposed to estimate optimal transport maps at scale, using samples from two probability distributions and neural networks.

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Tuesday, March 05th, 2024 | 14:00 p.m.

Al for biomedical imaging: computational superresolution and more - BNITM seminar series "AI in Biology and Medicine".

BNITM, Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 74, 20359 Hamburg

bAIome Center for biomedical AI (UKE) and Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM) will host the seminar series entitled “AI in biology and Medicine”. This series aims to capture a broad audience and promote cross institutional collaboration. Our expert speakers will give an overview and insight into particular AI/data science methods being developed in key areas of biology and medicine. We will have drinks and snacks following each seminar to facilitate exchange.

René Werner, Institute for Applied Medical Informatics, UKE

For further details and hybrid links, please go to the webpage AI in Biology & Medicine



Monday, September 25th, 2023 | 09.00-18.00 & Tuesday 26th, 2023 | 09.00-13.00

Autumn School: Sign language data meets data science – data science meets sign linguistics

Gorch-Fock-Wall 7, 20354 Hamburg
The goal of this Autumn School is to generate expertise for under-resourced sign languages. The workshop is aimed both at data scientists who would like to work with sign languages and at sign language linguists who would like to know more about technical approaches.  On the first day we will run parallel presentation sessions to introduce each group to the subjects which are new to them and the second will have talks on subjects which are relevant to both groups.  There will also be a poster session where participants can present their current work on sign language data in a more informal setting.
Workshop languages are English and International Sign

Details and registration information here

Organised by The EU EASIER project in cooperation with the DGS-Korpus project

Monday, December 18th, 2023 | 16:00 - 17:00 p.m.

CANCELLED TALK TODAY: Train Your Engineering - Network Long short-term memory for surrogate modeling

via Zoom

unfortunately, today's talk has to be cancelled. We are very sorry

The presentation series “Train your engineering network” on diverse topics of Machine Learning addresses all interested persons at TUHH, from MLE partners as well as from the Hamburg region in general and aims at promoting the exchange of information and knowledge between these persons as well as their networking in a relaxed atmosphere. Thereby, the machine learning activities within MLE, TUHH and in the wider environment shall be made more visible, cooperations shall be promoted and also interested students shall be given an insight.

Patrick Sontheimer - Long short-term memory for surrogate modeling

Long-Short Term Memory is a gated architecture designed to combat the vanishing/exploding gradient problem in recurrent neural networks (RNN). In the presentation, time series regression will be performed on multiple-input multiple-output data, to create a surrogate Model.

Lectures will be held online via Zoom on Mondays starting at 16:00 in the winter semester 2023 in English. General zoom link for all lectures: Link

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Friday, 5th May 2023 | 13:00 h

Chemical Biology Approaches for Tracking and Modulating Circadian Rhythms in Cellular
 Models of Cancer

Am Sandtorkai 74/MS-Teams ROOM: 74.2.07

SPEAKER: Associate Professor Michelle E. Farkas, Department of Chemistry, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA

SUMMARY: As biology is by nature dynamic, so must be the nature of the tools used for its tracking and modulation. My lab is interested in the development of platforms for following and studying circadian rhythms in the context of cancer. It is appreciated that altered circadian rhythms can contribute to a variety of disease pathologies, including cancer. We are using and developing reporter systems to gain a more detailed picture of oscillations and how they change with cancer type. We are also interested in the use of small molecules and other approaches to directly affect
circadian rhythms.

The seminar is open to interested colleagues and students!

Teams (to join online, please click here)
CONTACT: Prof. Dr. Angela Relόgio

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Tuesday, February 06th, 2024 | 14:00 p.m.

Computational pathology: The gap between research and clinics - BNITM seminar series "AI in Biology and Medicine".

BNITM, Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 74, 20359 Hamburg

bAIome Center for biomedical AI (UKE) and Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM) will host the seminar series entitled “AI in biology and Medicine”. This series aims to capture a broad audience and promote cross institutional collaboration. Our expert speakers will give an overview and insight into particular AI/data science methods being developed in key areas of biology and medicine. We will have drinks and snacks following each seminar to facilitate exchange.

Marina Zimmermann, professor of computational pathology (UKE) will speak about the gap between research and clinics and the factors that contribute to this, such as the focus on reproducing subjective scores and the large variance in performance depending on the data source. She will look into overcoming subjective scores by introducing objective endpoints, as well as developing quantifiable and objective metrics based on specialised microscopy types. In order to further close the gap, she will address domain shifts between datasets and generalizability, as well as measures of uncertainty to defer uncertain decisions.

A hybrid option will be provided using the following link:

Meeting-ID: 874 8197 6655
Kenncode: 097471

Thursday, July 13th, 2023 | 15:00-18:00 p.m

Data Science and AI Inaugural Lectures 2023

Erika-Haus UKE

We invite you to join us in celebrating and promoting the new W1 Professorship appointments in the areas of data science and AI at UKE. The Data Science and AI Inaugural Lectures 2023 will take place on Thursday 13th July, 15:00-18:00 at Erika-Haus, UKE. This will be a great opportunity to get to know the professors and their research topics in the areas of data science and AI relevant to biomedicine and with broad application in the clinic.

bAIome, the Center for Biomedical AI at UKE, which brings together UKE faculty members with international background and expertise in diverse areas relevant to AI including high performance computation, data science, mathematics, and biomedical research, will be hosting this event and following the inaugural lectures will showcase current research projects and ventures with a poster session during the reception to provide a great environment for networking and cooperation.



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Thursday, August 22th, 2024 | 17:00 p.m.

Data Science Colloquium on August 22nd, 2024 | “AI in Industry | Opportunities and Use Cases”

DESY, Notkestraße 85, Hamburg, Building 99

The Data Science Colloquium is an event jointly organized by DASHH, the Center for Data and Computing in Natural Sciences (CDCS), the clusters of excellence CUI - Advanced Imaging of Matter and Quantum Universe of the Universität Hamburg (UHH), the Department of Informatics of the UHH, the Institute of Mathematics of the Hamburg University of Technology, - the Alliance of Hamburg Universities for Computer Science and the Wolfgang Pauli Centre.

We are looking forward to the talk of Dr. Wolfgang Hildesheim (IBM Deutschland GmbH, Head of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, AI advisor, AI ambassador & thought leader) on Thursday, August 22nd, 2024 at 5 pm (on-site). His talk is entitled "AI in Industry | Opportunities and Use Cases". The official announcement and abstract of the talk can be found here.

These events are an ideal opportunity to meet renowned scientists and discuss recent Data Science challenges.

Please subscribe here for news and Zoom links regarding our colloquia or contact for the individual Zoom link of an online event!


Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 | 14:00 -15:00 p.m.

DDLitLab im Dialog: Aufbau fachbezogener KI-Communities und Durchführung einer Lehrveranstaltung zu KI und ML

Jungiusstraße 11C, 20355 Hamburg, Raum C109

Zu Gast: Dr. rer. nat. Lilian Löwenau, Projektkoordinatorin / Operative Projektleitung „AI-SKILLS“, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Das vom BMBF geförderte Lehre- und Infrastrukturprojekt AI-SKILLS der Berliner Humboldt-Universität hat das Ziel, Lehrenden und Studierenden die fachspezifische Auseinandersetzung mit KI-Methoden und KI-Technologien forschungsbezogen und anwendungsorientiert zu vermitteln. Dabei verfolgt das Projekt einen multidisziplinären Ansatz, d.h., alle Disziplinen sind in den Communities of Practice vertreten, die sich jeweils untereinander den Themen KI und ML widmen. Im Rahmen des DDLitLab wird am Beispiel AI-SKILLS der konkrete Aufbau solcher Communities vorgestellt; dabei werden Erfahrungen mit der Initialisierungs- und Produktivphase der Communities geteilt und sowohl praktische Aspekte als auch erforderliche Maßnahmen zur Nachhaltigkeit und Nachnutzbarkeit der Arbeit in den Communities besprochen. Über den Aspekt der Communities hinausgehend, wird als Abschluss die gesamtheitliche Förderung der Themen KI und ML im universitären Curriculum anlässlich der Durchführung einer entsprechenden fächerübergreifenden Ringvorlesung besprochen.


  • DDLitLab, ISA-Zentrum
Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 | 14:00 -15:00 p.m.

DDLitLab im Dialog: Data Driven Business Models

Jungiusstraße 11C, 20355 Hamburg, Raum C109

In der Gesprächsreihe DDLitLab im Dialog gehen wir gemeinsam mit Expertinnen und Experten aktuellen Perspektiven, Projekten und Debatten über Daten- und Digitalkompetenzen im Zeichen innovativer Hochschullehre auf den Grund. Ziel ist es, eine offenen Raum zu schaffen, in dem die Teilnehmenden sich über ihre Erfahrungen und Gedanken mit ausgewählten Referent:innen zu aktuellen Entwicklungen austauschen können.   

In diesem Semester starten wir mit Prof. Dr. Christopher Buschow (Hamburg Media School) und Dr. Daniel Possler (Universität Würzburg) mit ihrem Seminarkonzept zum Thema „Data Driven Business Models“. Im Rahmen eines Seminars „Data Driven Business Model Generation“ und einer entsprechenden Ringvorlesung am Institut für Journalistik und Kommunikationsforschung (IJK) der Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover haben sie die veränderten Anforderungen an Medienunternehmen und die Grundlagen datengetriebener Geschäftsmodellen vertieft. Welche Datensätze werden in (Medien)Unternehmen gesammelt und wie werden sie aufbereitet? Wie werden Geschäftsmodelle rund um diese Daten entwickelt? Welche technologischen, ethischen und gesamtgesellschaftlichen Aspekte werden bei datenbasierten Geschäftsmodellen beleuchtet?

Sowohl Mitglieder der UHH als auch externe Gäste sind herzlich dazu eingeladen, sich aktiv an unseren Gesprächsrunden zu beteiligen!

Präsenz und via Zoom. Die Zugangsdaten für die digitale Teilnahme via Zoom erhalten Sie nach Ihrer Anmeldung kurz vor dem Termin per E-Mail.


  • DDLitLab, ISA-Zentrum
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Monday, 9th & Tuesday 10th October, 2023

Digital Total

Audimax 1 & 2, Von-Melle-Park 4, 20146 Hamburg

The two-day event "Digital Total" is organized and conducted by the House of Computing & Data Science (HCDS) of the Universität Hamburg, in collaboration with partners from the scientific platform PIER PLUS and the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg.

Day 1 - Computing & Data Science in the Metropolitan Region

The goal of the first day, which is co-organized by CDCS, is to showcase and consolidate the topics of Data Science / AI / Computation, which are strongly represented in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. A key focus will be the discussion on a common PIER PLUS initiative called "PIER Computing and Data Science." Additionally, the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg will host an interdisciplinary forum for exchanging ideas about the future of digital transformation in the metropolitan region and potential synergies among cross-institutional initiatives. The first day will be concluded with a social event in the evening.

Day 2 - Computing & Data Science at the Universität Hamburg

The second day will focus on Data Science / AI / Computation at the Universität Hamburg. It will also serve as the kickoff for introducing the Cross-Disciplinary Labs (CDLs) located within HCDS.

Alongside the presentations in Audimax 1 & 2, the foyer will feature posters showcasing various projects throughout the event, presented during two poster sessions on Day 1 and 2.

A detailed program and registration for Digital Total can be found here

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Tuesday, June 18th - June 21th, 2024 | starting 13:00 p.m.

European Association for Data Science (EuADS) Summer School – Generative AI

Maison d’Accueil (Convent of the Franciscan Sisters), 50 avenue Gaston Diderich, L – 1420 Luxembourg-Belair

As we had a very positive echo of the Summer School 2023 “Data Science for Explainable and Trustworthy AI”, another one will be organised in 2024 on the topic of “Generative AI”.

The rise of Generative AI, especially with the advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs), marks a transformative era in artificial intelligence that is expanding across all disciplines. LLMs aim to bridge the communication gap between machines and humans, paving the way for models that can grasp the nuances of human language and generate outputs in various formats that mimic human cognition and creativity.
The critical moment for Generative AI came with the adoption of neural networks, particularly transformer-based architectures, which have become its backbone. These models stand out for their profound ability to digest and learn from extensive corpora and datasets, and also to generate original, contextually rich content. But we are just at the beginning. The emerging models present challenges related to ethics, reliability, the way we experiment with these models, the scope of their inferences, their applications to more specific domains, etc. All this has created a vibrant field of work and opens the doors to a community that we hope will find the right forum in this Summer School.


  • STATEC, Luxembourg; EuADS Treasurer
  • U of Bristol, UK; EuADS Vice-President
  • U of Göttingen, Germany
  • Germany; EuADS Vice-President
  • LMU Munich, Germany; EuADS President
  • U of Essex, UK
  • CUNEF Universidad, Spain
  • U of Cordoba, Spain
  • STATEC, Luxembourg
  • Bielefeld Center for Data Science, Germany


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Thursday, March 30th, 2023 | 14:30-16:00 p.m

Frederike Vogel: Supervised learning for analyzing movement patterns in a virtual reality experiment / Marcel Eckert: How FPGAs can speed up algorithms by 2 examples

Holstenhofweg 85, H1, room 308

The goal of the interdisciplinary seminar series “Computation & Data” at HSU is to bring together researchers and foster exchange on the development of algorithms, methods and software. The seminar series is typically scheduled for the last Thursday every month, 14:30-16:00, with 1-2 presentations per hybrid session (digital and at HSU)

Feel free to subscribe the seminar newsletter by sending an e-mail to with the subject line „Subscription Seminar Computation & Data”

Thursday, June 13th, 2024 | 15:00 p.m.

Hamburg VISTA - Virtual Initiative for Science & Technology in AI

KR 1002, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg

Die Metropolregion Hamburg erlebt einen Schub an Forschungsaktivitäten an der Schnittstelle von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und ihren Anwendungen in den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften. Mit namhaften Exzellenzclustern in Physik und Klimawissenschaften hat sich Hamburg zu einer führenden Region bei der Entwicklung und Anwendung von KI-Techniken entwickelt. Die Hamburg Virtual Initiative for Science & Technology in AI (Hamburg VISTA) zielt darauf ab, die Lücke zwischen den Forschungsbemühungen zu schließen und das volle Potenzial von KI in der Hamburger Hochschullandschaft zu erschließen. Im Mittelpunkt von Hamburg VISTA steht der Anspruch, die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit zu stärken und latente Synergien zu erschließen.

Wir freuen uns, Sie zur ersten VISTA Veranstaltung einzuladen.

Vorstellung VISTA
Vortrag: The road to AI based discovery von Gregor Kasieczka
Vortrag: Ghostplay - AI for Defence von Gary Schaal

Bitte senden Sie eine kurze Mitteilung an für einen reibungslosen Zugang zur HSU

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Monday, September 16th - Friday, September 27th, 2024

Helmholtz Summer School – From Data to Knowledge

via Zoom

If you are looking for the third edition of our Incubator Summer Academy, you can end your search right here! As of this year, the jointly organized summer school by the five Information & Data Science platforms Helmholtz AI, Helmholtz Imaging, HIFIS, HIDA and HMC, is rebranded to the

All platforms have teamed up to design a course program that not only covers a great variety of skills, tools, and topics in the field of Information & Data Science suitable for participants with varying degrees of previous knowledge. We created course packages and transferred them into a coordinated two-week summer school program, allowing participants to select course packages that best suit their interest and experience level.
Have a look at all course packages

The Helmholtz Summer School is open to all researchers and staff in the Helmholtz Association. Additionally, a small number of seats are reserved for Master students, doctoral and postdoctoral researchers from other research institutions and universities.
We are excited to present three specialized courses:

  1. Regularization in Image Reconstruction: From Model to Data Driven Methods (Course 10)
  2. Introduction to Image Registration (Course 11)
  3. 3D Visualization (Course 12)

Registration will open on August 12 at noon and close on August 25, 2024. Questions? Write us at Agenda & Registration (registration opens August 12)

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Thursday, July 04th, 2024 | 11:00 - 22:00 p.m.


Sonnendeck St. Pauli, bei den Sankt Pauli-Landungsbrücken 10, 20359 Hamburg

HITeC e.V. ist das Forschungs- und Technologietransferzentrum des Fachbereichs Informatik der Universität Hamburg. Aufgrund seines unabhängigen Status bietet HITeC flexible und professionelle Kooperationsmöglichkeiten. HITeC-Lösungen basieren auf neuesten Forschungsergebnissen und verschaffen Vorteile durch innovative Technologien.

Das House of Computing and Data Science (HCDS) der Universität Hamburg fördert gemeinsam mit wissenschaftlichen Partner:innen in der Metropolregion die interdisziplinäre Erforschung und Anwendung innovativer digitaler Methoden. Es unterstützt die Nutzung der Potentiale der Digitalisierung und Künstlicher Intelligenz in der Forschung und bietet einen niederschwelligen Zugang zu digitalen Methoden. Das Methodenkompetenzzentrum des HCDS ermöglicht verschiedenen Disziplinen und Projekten den Austausch und die Zusammenarbeit in den Cross-Disciplinary Labs, die an der Schnittstelle zwischen Methoden- und Anwendungswissenschaften angesiedelt sind. Darüber hinaus koordiniert das HCDS das Netzwerk "KIEZ of Computing and Data Science", eine Plattform zur Vernetzung aller Bereiche der Datenwissenschaft, Computation und maschinelles Lernen in der Metropolregion Hamburg.


  • Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland
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Monday, September 18th - 29th, 2023 | 09:00 -17:00 p.m

Incubator Summer Academy II - Data Science

Gather Town

Once again, the five platforms Helmholtz.AI, Helmholtz Imaging, HIFIS, HIDA and HMC have teamed up to createa second edition of the Incubator Summer Academy on 18-29 September 2023! We have designed a joint program with a variety course packages covering state of the art Data Science methods and skills, as well as networking opportunities in our Summer Academy Gathertown space!

Ranging from fundamental course packages as for instance “Python”, or “Introduction to Scienctific Metadata” to advanced topics as “Machine Learning Based Image analysis”, the program offers participants to select course packages that best suit their experience levels and interests.

The Incubator Summer Academy is open to all doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in the Helmholtz Association. Additionally, a small number of seats in our workshops are reserved for Master students, doctoral and postdoctoral students from other research institutions and universities.

More detailed information and registration:

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Thursday, 20th April, 2023 | 13:00 h

ISM Lunchtime Seminar Series


The ISM Lunchtime Seminars are online monthly events, which take place on Thursdays, 13:00-13:30h, and are open to all interested colleagues and students. ISM researchers and guest speakers present their work during a 15 min seminar, in the English language, followed by a brief Q&A session. We are happy to announce our next speaker: Prof. Dr. Angela Relgio, Professor for Systems Medicine and Biostatistics

Title: Timing treatment: profiling the circadian clock and optimizing treatment timing in cancer.

Abstract: The biological clock (circadian clock) regulates several aspects of physiology and behaviour and plays avital role in human health. About half of all human genes are rhythmically expressed in at least one tissue, and the time for certain activities such as sleep, exercise, or medicine intake, can be optimized based on the internal circadian rhythm. Recent studies, including work from our group have highlighted a role for clock dysregulation in several hallmarks of cancer related to cell cycle, apoptosis or metabolism. Thus, scheduling anticancer drug administration over 24h may critically impact treatment success in a drug- and patient-specific manner. Our results suggest that, in addition to clock and pharmacological gene expression, the circadian dynamics of translation and cell death, plays an important role in the timing of drug toxicity. Systems biology approaches addressing the personalization of cancer chronotherapies are needed for patient benefit, and can be used to support personalized treatment scheduling, by predicting personalized drug toxicity based on the patient’s gene or protein expression profiles

Please follow the rules below to make these seminars a success:
- Please use your real name while entering the meeting. Participants with cryptic names will not be given access to the seminar.

- Please turn off your microphone while the seminar is taking place.

- Please feel free to ask questions!

Contact information

Please contact
Dr. Deeksha Malhan ( or Dr. Annakarina Mundorf ( for further information.


  • MSH




Center for Data and Computer in Natural Sciences, DESY, TUHH, UHH

Interdisciplinary project of DESY, TUHH and UHH to synergize Data Science knowledge in natural sciences

Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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