

images/02_events/Winter%20colloquium.png#joomlaImage://local-images/02_events/Winter colloquium.png?width=800&height=300
Thursday, December 19th, 2024 | 17:00 p.m.

DASHH Winter Colloquium | Interdisciplinary AI Research for Particle Physics & Structural Biology

Campus Bahrenfeld, Albert-Einstein-Ring 8-10

As the year is approaching its end, we cordially invite you to this year's last Data Science Colloquium on December 19th, 2024, at 5 pm at the Albert-Einstein-Ring 8-10 on Campus Bahrenfeld (, Ground Floor, Rooms 5 & 10). We look forward to talks by DASHH researchers Prof. Christian Schwanenberger and Dr. Andrea Thorn on current opportunities and challenges for artificial intelligence in particle physics & structural biology.

We hope to meet you for discussions after the talks with some snacks & hot beverages in a cheerful atmosphere.

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Thursday, January 23th, 2025 | 10:00 a.m.

Data Science Colloquium | “Artificial Intelligence in Computer-Assisted Drug Design”

Campus Bahrenfeld, ZBH, Alberg-Einstein-Ring 8-10, Ground Floor, Room 0005/0010

We are happy to announce the next talk of our Data Science Colloquium which is an event jointly organized by Data Science in Hamburg - the Helmholtz Graduate School for the Structure of Matter (DASHH) and our partners.

We are looking forward to the talk of Dr. Christoph Grebner (Computational Chemist, Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany) 
Drug design is a resource-demanding process that necessitates mining the incredibly large hemical space and includes expensive and time-consuming experiments. In the last decades, computer-assisted drug design (CADD) has become an indispensable tool to support and facilitate this process. Recent developments in the field include incorporating machine learning models at various steps of the drug discovery process and improving algorithms for searching the chemical universe. The talk will highlight key steps in computer-assisted drug design and discuss upcoming opportunities and challenges for AI technologies in CADD. Dr. Christoph Grebner is a computational chemist at Sanofi with several years of experience supporting drug design projects with CADD.

The official announcement and abstract of the talk can be found here
You can join the on-site colloquium or the Zoom meeting

Further information concerning the speakers and the lectures can also be found here

We are looking forward to your participation!

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Thursday, April 3th, 2025 | 14:00 p.m.

Data Science Colloquium | Recent Progress on Inertial Fusion Ignition at the National Ignition Facility and the Path Ahead

Campus Bahrenfeld, Center for Free-Electron Laser Science – CFEL (Building 99), Ground Floor, Rooms I-III

The National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is a 2.2 MJ laser facility designed to achieve inertial confinement fusion ignition. In this approach, the 192 laser beams of NIF are used to compress and heat a millimeter-scale capsule of deuterium-tritium fuel to fusion ignition conditions where the fusion energy produced exceeds the laser energy delivered to the target. On Dec. 5, 2022, a NIF experiment crossed this ignition threshold for the first time. In the two years since, significant further progress has been made with recent experiments producing more than double the amount of laser energy used to drive the implosion.

This talk reviews the importance of the interplay of theory and high-performance computing with experiments, and critical hurdles that had to be overcome to reach ignition, recent progress in NIF experiments since ignition was achieved, and some of the current and future plans aiming for even higher fusion yields.

This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.

You can join the on-site colloquium or the Zoom meeting after registering here

Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 | 16:00 p.m.

How AI is raising the ambition of physicists

Auditorium (Bldg 5, DESY Hamburg) and Zoom, 16:00h

Kyle Cranmer (UW Madison)
Auditorium (Bldg 5, DESY Hamburg) and Zoom, 16:00h

AI is quickly raising the ambitions of scientists; however, the capabilities that AI enables vary significantly across fields. I will provide examples and describe some emerging patterns that hint at the diversity of ways that AI will transform scientific practice. In particular, I will highlight how AI/ML is advancing Simulation-Based Inference, Lattice Field Theory, and Scattering Amplitudes.

We invite you to attend the presentation in person at the DESY Auditorium. We will also offer a webcast to this colloquium.

Connection details at
Meeting ID: 996 1652 8733
Meeting Password: 733220


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Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 | 17:00 p.m.

Inaugural lecture of MLE member Pierre-Alexandre Murena

Audimax II, Building I, TUHH Campus

The School of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) is pleased to share another inaugural lecture and research talk from the field of Data Science with the entire TUHH and with the public as part of its colloquium.


  • Welcome
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Irina Smirnova, Vizepräsidentin Forschung, TUHH
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Bauch, Studiendekan EIM, TUHH
  • Inaugural Lecture From obeying AIs to collaborative agents: a human-centric view“
    Dr. Pierre-Alexandre Murena, Human-Centric Machine Learning Institute, TUHH
  • Guest talk “Towards machines that understand people”
    Dr. Andrew Howes, University of Exeter
  • Get together
    Foyer, Building II, TUHH Campus

Online participation via Zoom is also possible. You will get the zoom link after registration


  • TUHH

Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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