All dates for Event Series "Physics ❤ AI" for the upcoming semester are always at 10:30-12:00 in CFEL SR1.
The detailed agenda is password protected. If you are interested in the agenda, please email the organizers ( /
Or just come, it is of course allowed!
All dates for Event Series "Physics ❤ AI" for the upcoming semester are always at 10:30-12:00 in CFEL SR1.
The detailed agenda is password protected. If you are interested in the agenda, please email the organizers ( /
Or just come, it is of course allowed!
All dates for Event Series "Physics ❤ AI" for the upcoming semester are always at 10:30-12:00 in CFEL SR1.
The detailed agenda is password protected. If you are interested in the agenda, please email the organizers ( /
Or just come, it is of course allowed!
All dates for Event Series "Physics ❤ AI" for the upcoming semester are always at 10:30-12:00 in CFEL SR1.
The detailed agenda is password protected. If you are interested in the agenda, please email the organizers ( /
Or just come, it is of course allowed!
Spätestens seit Ende letzten Jahres werfen generative KI-Tools wie ChatGPT und Co. (nicht nur) an der Universität Hamburg viele Fragen auf – von grundlegenden Zielen der Hochschulbildung bis hin zu konkreten prüfungsrechtlichen Aspekten. Anknüpfend an die Informations- und Diskussionsveranstaltung zu ChatGPT im Januar 2023 richtet das DDLitLab zusammen mit dem HUL am Mittwoch, den 05.07.2023 von 14.15-17.15 Uhr in der Jungiusstraße 9, Hörsaal III eine Veranstaltung zum konkreten Einsatz generativer KI-Tools in der Lehre aus.
Gemeinsam wollen wir den Fragen nachgehen, wie und wofür KI schon jetzt in unterschiedlichen Fachdisziplinen eingesetzt wird. Wie funktioniert das konkret und was können andere davon lernen? Die Diskussion soll weg von grundlegenden Fragen der Funktionsweise und der Langzeitszenarien führen und sich stattdessen konkreter am Hier und Jetzt orientieren.
Dazu stellen Lehrende verschiedener Fakultäten zunächst ihren Umgang mit generativen KI-Tools in der Lehre vor. Anhand dieser Praxisbeispiele und durch den gemeinsamen Austausch möchten wir Ideen für weitere Netzwerk- und Veranstaltungsformate zu generativer KI an unserer Universität entwickeln. Die Veranstaltung wird aufgezeichnet und im Anschluss auf Lecture2Go zur Verfügung stehen.
Melden Sie sich ab sofort hier zur Veranstaltung am Mi, den 05.07.2023 an.
Sie haben keine Zeit, wollen aber über weitere Veranstaltungen und aktuelle Entwicklungen auf dem Laufenden bleiben? Dann melden Sie sich gern zum Newsletter gKI-Lehre an.
In this talk we will propose a model for intelligence inspired by fluid dynamics. By modeling the dynamics of neural activity through a PDE, we achieve a number of interesting properties.
First, we observe that latent representations transform under sensory input transformations as waves, which are in turn well modeled as the evolution of a fluid. We can use this analogy to learn "disentangled representations" of the input, meaning that every input is embedded in a point in latent space which has associated to it a number of tangent directions in which the input transforms in prescribed ways (e.g. rotating, scaling, etc.). We can relate this to equivariant representations but for arbitrary transformations rather than symmetry groups. We show that this strong inductive bias can lead to the formation of topographic organization of neurons, and leads to good predictive performance. We also discuss the reverse, namely how to use deep learning to model PDEs better, in particular the Navier Stokes equations that model the weather.
Coffee, tea and cookies will be served at 15:30h. After the colloquium we will have beer and pretzels.
The direct link to the webcast is:
Meeting ID: 996 1652 8733
Meeting Password: 733220
The full DESY Particle and Astroparticle Physics Colloquium programme can be found under
A multitude of ML tasks in particle physics, from unfolding detector effects to refining simulation and extrapolating background estimations, require mapping one arbitrary distribution to another. Several indirect methods have been developed to achieve this, such as classifier-based reweighting on a distribution level, or conditional generative models. However, training an ML model to perform a direct, deterministic mapping has long been a challenging prospect.
In this talk, I introduce the concept of Schrödinger Bridges, ML architecture closely related to Diffusion Models, which enables direct mapping of arbitrary distribution to arbitrary distribution. I demonstrate two implementation approaches with differing upsides and present state-of-the-art results applying Schrödinger Bridges to unfolding and refinement tasks.
The Network for Artificial Intelligence and Law (NAIL) invites you to its next event. We are pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Michael Spannowsky to give a talk on the use of neural networks in particle physics. We will learn how neural networks are used to improve our understanding of fundamental scientific questions and how we use mathematical structures observed in nature to better understand neural networks. The lecture will be followed by a discussion around the topic. The event will be held in English.
After the lecture and discussion, we would like to invite you to end the evening with us in a relaxed atmosphere, with pretzels and wine in the south lounge.
You can participate in presence or online. Please register for the event using the following link: Registration
Helmholtz graduate school educating the next generation of international and interdisciplinary data scientists
Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg