systems medicine


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Friday, 5th May 2023 | 13:00 h

Chemical Biology Approaches for Tracking and Modulating Circadian Rhythms in Cellular
 Models of Cancer

Am Sandtorkai 74/MS-Teams ROOM: 74.2.07

SPEAKER: Associate Professor Michelle E. Farkas, Department of Chemistry, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA

SUMMARY: As biology is by nature dynamic, so must be the nature of the tools used for its tracking and modulation. My lab is interested in the development of platforms for following and studying circadian rhythms in the context of cancer. It is appreciated that altered circadian rhythms can contribute to a variety of disease pathologies, including cancer. We are using and developing reporter systems to gain a more detailed picture of oscillations and how they change with cancer type. We are also interested in the use of small molecules and other approaches to directly affect
circadian rhythms.

The seminar is open to interested colleagues and students!

Teams (to join online, please click here)
CONTACT: Prof. Dr. Angela Relόgio

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Tuesday, February 06th, 2024 | 14:00 p.m.

Computational pathology: The gap between research and clinics - BNITM seminar series "AI in Biology and Medicine".

BNITM, Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 74, 20359 Hamburg

bAIome Center for biomedical AI (UKE) and Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM) will host the seminar series entitled “AI in biology and Medicine”. This series aims to capture a broad audience and promote cross institutional collaboration. Our expert speakers will give an overview and insight into particular AI/data science methods being developed in key areas of biology and medicine. We will have drinks and snacks following each seminar to facilitate exchange.

Marina Zimmermann, professor of computational pathology (UKE) will speak about the gap between research and clinics and the factors that contribute to this, such as the focus on reproducing subjective scores and the large variance in performance depending on the data source. She will look into overcoming subjective scores by introducing objective endpoints, as well as developing quantifiable and objective metrics based on specialised microscopy types. In order to further close the gap, she will address domain shifts between datasets and generalizability, as well as measures of uncertainty to defer uncertain decisions.

A hybrid option will be provided using the following link:

Meeting-ID: 874 8197 6655
Kenncode: 097471

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Thursday, 20th April, 2023 | 13:00 h

ISM Lunchtime Seminar Series


The ISM Lunchtime Seminars are online monthly events, which take place on Thursdays, 13:00-13:30h, and are open to all interested colleagues and students. ISM researchers and guest speakers present their work during a 15 min seminar, in the English language, followed by a brief Q&A session. We are happy to announce our next speaker: Prof. Dr. Angela Relgio, Professor for Systems Medicine and Biostatistics

Title: Timing treatment: profiling the circadian clock and optimizing treatment timing in cancer.

Abstract: The biological clock (circadian clock) regulates several aspects of physiology and behaviour and plays avital role in human health. About half of all human genes are rhythmically expressed in at least one tissue, and the time for certain activities such as sleep, exercise, or medicine intake, can be optimized based on the internal circadian rhythm. Recent studies, including work from our group have highlighted a role for clock dysregulation in several hallmarks of cancer related to cell cycle, apoptosis or metabolism. Thus, scheduling anticancer drug administration over 24h may critically impact treatment success in a drug- and patient-specific manner. Our results suggest that, in addition to clock and pharmacological gene expression, the circadian dynamics of translation and cell death, plays an important role in the timing of drug toxicity. Systems biology approaches addressing the personalization of cancer chronotherapies are needed for patient benefit, and can be used to support personalized treatment scheduling, by predicting personalized drug toxicity based on the patient’s gene or protein expression profiles

Please follow the rules below to make these seminars a success:
- Please use your real name while entering the meeting. Participants with cryptic names will not be given access to the seminar.

- Please turn off your microphone while the seminar is taking place.

- Please feel free to ask questions!

Contact information

Please contact
Dr. Deeksha Malhan ( or Dr. Annakarina Mundorf ( for further information.


  • MSH
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Tuesday, February 13th, 2024 | 14:00 p.m.

Machine learning of MCMV infection dynamics - BNITM seminar series "AI in Biology and Medicine".

BNITM, Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 74, 20359 Hamburg

bAIome Center for biomedical AI (UKE) and Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM) will host the seminar series entitled “AI in biology and Medicine”. This series aims to capture a broad audience and promote cross institutional collaboration. Our expert speakers will give an overview and insight into particular AI/data science methods being developed in key areas of biology and medicine. We will have drinks and snacks following each seminar to facilitate exchange.

Lorenz Adlung, I Medical Clinic and Polyclinic, UKE: Machine learning of MCMV infection dynamics

For further details and hybrid links, please go to the webpage AI in Biology & Medicine


Thursday, June 27th, 2024

Roof Talk Digital Health

University of Applied Sciences and Medical University, Am Kaiserkai 1, 20457 Hamburg

Austauschen und Netzwerken - für Gestalter:innen des digitalen Gesundheitswesens

Wie können wir Digitalstrategien im Gesundheitsbereich neu denken? Und welche Chancen und Herausforderungen hält das Thema Digital Health für Gründerinnen und Gründer bereit? Der »Roof Talk Digital Health« bietet zu diesen und ähnlichen Themen eine Plattform zum Austauschen und Netzwerken – für Gestalterinnen und Gestalter des digitalen Gesundheitswesens und alle, die sich für diese an Bedeutung zunehmende Branche interessieren.

Der »Roof Talk Digital Health« findet jährlich am letzten Donnerstag im Juni statt. Über den Dächern Hamburgs mit Blick auf die Elbphilharmonie und den Hafen kommen Unternehmer:innen, Gründer:innen und Entscheider:innen aus Krankenhäusern und Verbänden sowie Forschende und Studierende ins Gespräch. Abgerundet wird das Programm in der Regel mit zwei Kurzvorträgen.

Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich an unser Veranstaltungsteam unter veranstaltung(at)


  • MSH
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Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 | 14:00 p.m.

Technical foundations of Large Language Models, their applications and limitations - BNITM seminar series "AI in Biology and Medicine".

BNITM, Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 74, 20359 Hamburg

bAIome Center for biomedical AI (UKE) and Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM) will host the seminar series entitled “AI in biology and Medicine”. This series aims to capture a broad audience and promote cross institutional collaboration. Our expert speakers will give an overview and insight into particular AI/data science methods being developed in key areas of biology and medicine. We will have drinks and snacks following each seminar to facilitate exchange.

Christopher Gundler, Institute for Applied Medical Informatics, UKE

For further details and hybrid links, please go to the webpage AI in Biology & Medicine


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Tuesday, February 27th, 2024 | 14:00 p.m.

Unsupervised patient stratification based on omics data - BNITM seminar series "AI in Biology and Medicine".

BNITM, Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 74, 20359 Hamburg

bAIome Center for biomedical AI (UKE) and Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM) will host the seminar series entitled “AI in biology and Medicine”. This series aims to capture a broad audience and promote cross institutional collaboration. Our expert speakers will give an overview and insight into particular AI/data science methods being developed in key areas of biology and medicine. We will have drinks and snacks following each seminar to facilitate exchange.

Olga Zolotareva, Institute for Computational Systems Biology, UHH

For further details and hybrid links, please go to the webpage AI in Biology & Medicine




Jan Baumbach

Director of the Institute for Computational Systems Biology (CoSy.Bio)
Professor for Computational Systems Biology

Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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