
Center for Data and Computer in Natural Sciences, DESY, TUHH, UHH

The Center for Data and Computing (CDCS) is a interdisciplinary, joined project from DESY, the Technical University Hamburg and the University of Hamburg funded by the Hamburg-X projects of the Landesforschungsförderung Hamburg (BWFGB). 
The CDCS supports interdisciplinary research in the four Cross-Disciplinary Labs (CDLs)
- Computational Astro- and Particle Physics
- Computational Photon Science
- Computational Systems Biology
- Computational Controls of Accelerators
and fosters the application of machine learning / deep learning methods with the help of the Computational Core Unit.
The research is performed in close cooperation with associated institutes across DESY, TUHH, UHH.
The CDCS enables access to compute clusters of all three institutions (DESY Maxwell, TUHH Bombus, UHH Hummel). The DESY Maxwell Cluster is equipped with modern CPUs and GPUs.



Florian Griese

administrative-scientific Manager, CDCS

Gregor Kasieczka

Professor for Machine Learning in Particle Physics
Platform Coordinator and Leader of Data Science Platform, QU

Matthias Rarey

Professor, Bio- and Cheminformatics
Spokesperson CDCS
Spokesperson Graduate School DASHH
Chairman of the Doctoral Committee, Computer Science

Annett Ungethüm

Administrative-Scientific Manager, CDCS

Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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