
The Helmut Schmidt University (HSU)

The Helmut Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg is a place of science. She lives the idea of ​​education through science. Like its founder and namesake, she sees science as “a search for knowledge that is committed to social responsibility”. The university is located in an international research landscape through competitive basic and applied research. The quality of their teaching arises from the free research activities of their academic members.

With excellent research and teaching, the university is a scientific partner of the federal government and strives to open up further, particularly in the context of European integration. At the same time, it strengthens Hamburg as a science location. It is committed to the ideal of a diversity of disciplines and scientific cultures as well as international scientific cooperation.

The university provides its military and civilian students with technical expertise and a science-based ability to criticize and judge. Its degrees are equivalent to those of the civil universities, and thus it makes a significant contribution to the attractiveness of the Bundeswehr as an employer. Through research and teaching, she also develops the academic basis of the citizen in uniform and the inner leadership.

The university thus makes a significant contribution to the qualification of officers for complex tasks in a multinational environment. The university manages its academic affairs itself and thus, as a Bundeswehr institution, maintains its academic independence. It is a campus university in a growing metropolitan area. It is a place where gender equality and diversity are lived. She pays particular attention to promoting young academics. Its modern administration supports the scientists in research and teaching as well as in self-administration and actively faces the challenges of digital change. 



Oliver Niggemann

Director Institute of Automation Technology
Professor for Computer Science in Mechanical Engineering

Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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