
Referat für Digitale Forschungsdienste, State and University Library Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky

Libraries are becoming increasingly important as providers of "digital scholarship services". As the central academic university library and state archive in Hamburg, the State and University Library is the institutional focal point for these services. With the Referat fuer Digitale Forschungsdienste, we are serve as the contact for concept development, planning and implementation of projects in the field of Digital Humanities at the SUB. We offer advise and assistance with project proposals and research projects and provide a scholarly link between the library infrastructure and the academic and educational institutions in Hamburg.
Furthermore, the unit sees itself as a place of exchange and collaboration across the academic landscape. With events like hackathons, barcamps, workshops and lectures we offer opportunities to connect with each other to collaborately work on projects. We are also offering support in planning and organizing events or educational formats. 



Jonas Müller-Laackman

Referat fuer Digitale Forschungsdienste, State- and University Library Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky

David Maus

Head of Research & Development Department

Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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