Our events in the areas of Big Data and Research Innovation include a diverse set of topics such as Future, Strategy, Technology, Applications, and Management.

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Monday, November 13th, 2023 | 16:00 - 17:00 p.m.

Train Your Engineering Network - Flow-induced bases and application to quantum molecular physics

via Zoom

The presentation series “Train your engineering network” on diverse topics of Machine Learning addresses all interested persons at TUHH, from MLE partners as well as from the Hamburg region in general and aims at promoting the exchange of information and knowledge between these persons as well as their networking in a relaxed atmosphere. Thereby, the machine learning activities within MLE, TUHH and in the wider environment shall be made more visible, cooperations shall be promoted and also interested students shall be given an insight.

Yahya Saleh - Flow-induced bases and application to quantum molecular physics

In analogy to the use of normalizing flows to augment the expressivity of base probability distributions, I propose to augment the expressivity of bases of Hilbert spaces via composition with normalizing flows. I show that the resulting sequences are also bases of the Hilbert space under sufficient and necessary conditions on the flow. This lays a foundation for a theory of spectral learning, a nonlinear extension of spectral methods for solving differential equations. As an application I solve the vibrational molecular Schrödinger equation. The proposed numerical scheme results in several orders of magnitude increased accuracy over the use of standard spectral methods. 

Lectures will be held online via Zoom on Mondays starting at 16:00 in the winter semester 2023 in English. General zoom link for all lectures: Link

Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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