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Tuesday, October 15th, 2024

Quantencomputing Summer School

Welcome to the Quantum Computing Summer School!

We present you the most successful quantum computing courses on openHPI. This summer, our courses offer you the perfect opportunity to deepen your understanding of quantum computing, regardless of your previous knowledge and experience level.
You have the chance to complete each of the five popular quantum computing courses in self-study mode and receive a record of achievement. Register now for free and start your exciting journey into the world of quantum computing!

Here's the list of all recent courses, in which you can re-take the graded assignments and gain a record of achievement:

If you participate in at least one of our re-activated courses and enroll in the Quantum Computing Summer School course, you will get an Open Badge which you may want to share via Social Media.

Please note: You can only register for the Quantum Computing Summer School after successfully completing one of the five courses with a record of achievement. The display above might lead to misunderstandings. Our platform checks if any of the five courses have been successfully completed.

Further: the first three courses are offered in German, whereas the practical courses (the fourth and fifth) are offered in English. Thus the certificate is also awarded in German.


  • openHPI

Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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