digital transformation


Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 | 14:00 -15:00 p.m.

DDLitLab im Dialog: Data Driven Business Models

Jungiusstraße 11C, 20355 Hamburg, Raum C109

In der Gesprächsreihe DDLitLab im Dialog gehen wir gemeinsam mit Expertinnen und Experten aktuellen Perspektiven, Projekten und Debatten über Daten- und Digitalkompetenzen im Zeichen innovativer Hochschullehre auf den Grund. Ziel ist es, eine offenen Raum zu schaffen, in dem die Teilnehmenden sich über ihre Erfahrungen und Gedanken mit ausgewählten Referent:innen zu aktuellen Entwicklungen austauschen können.   

In diesem Semester starten wir mit Prof. Dr. Christopher Buschow (Hamburg Media School) und Dr. Daniel Possler (Universität Würzburg) mit ihrem Seminarkonzept zum Thema „Data Driven Business Models“. Im Rahmen eines Seminars „Data Driven Business Model Generation“ und einer entsprechenden Ringvorlesung am Institut für Journalistik und Kommunikationsforschung (IJK) der Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover haben sie die veränderten Anforderungen an Medienunternehmen und die Grundlagen datengetriebener Geschäftsmodellen vertieft. Welche Datensätze werden in (Medien)Unternehmen gesammelt und wie werden sie aufbereitet? Wie werden Geschäftsmodelle rund um diese Daten entwickelt? Welche technologischen, ethischen und gesamtgesellschaftlichen Aspekte werden bei datenbasierten Geschäftsmodellen beleuchtet?

Sowohl Mitglieder der UHH als auch externe Gäste sind herzlich dazu eingeladen, sich aktiv an unseren Gesprächsrunden zu beteiligen!

Präsenz und via Zoom. Die Zugangsdaten für die digitale Teilnahme via Zoom erhalten Sie nach Ihrer Anmeldung kurz vor dem Termin per E-Mail.


  • DDLitLab, ISA-Zentrum
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Thursday, December 12th, 2024 | 18:15 - 19:45 p.m

Developing a Language to Talk About AI: AI Philosophy

UHH, Main Building, West Wing, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Room 221

Prof. Dr. Vincent Cornelius Müller, Lehrstuhl für Theory and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen

Taming the Machine. The Ethics in Information Technology Public Lecture Series

This semester’s edition of "Taming the Machines" explores the interrelated ethical, political, and technological aspects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in an interdisciplinary way. 
AI-driven technologies are increasingly shaping the world we live in, sparking growing ethical scrutiny. As a result, it appears more and more urgent that societies collectively address how and in what way the further development of such technologies might be tangibly influenced. And, importantly, by whom this task should be advanced and according to which agendas? Ethicists, legislators, designers, and engineers, each bring distinct expertise and capacities to the multiplicity of social issues raised by these technologies, yet the perspectives and approaches they offer may or may not be complimentary or even simultaneously realisable (let alone mutually satisfactory). Amidst the rising tensions surrounding the AI driven transformation of our shared social space, particularly in the domain of governance and regulation, this lecture series asks how we might best accompany innovation in AI and realise ethically desirable future outcomes. In other words, to delve into the questions of what it means to live well in a society that is increasingly driven by AI tools? What design and regulative choices ought we make? What social infrastructures and normative frameworks might be needed for the future handling of emerging technologies? How could or should openness to innovation be reconciled with defending and developing the ideals of a free and democratic society under the rule of law? 
To explore these and other related questions, this public lecture series invites distinguished researchers from computer science, philosophy, and political theory to present and discuss their work. To get the latest updates and details how to attend the lectures, please visit


  • UHH, Ethik in der Informationstechnologie, Koordination: Prof. Dr. Judith Simon
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Thursday, April 20th, 2023 | 12:00 p.m

Research data and data science - Introduction of CRDM and HCDS

Jungiusstraße 11, lecture hall

In the digital transformation of science, research data is an essential basis of the research process and as diverse as the subject cultures in which they are created and used. In data-based or data-driven research, computational methods can be used to scale and transform the research process.
As a scientist, you should store your research data in a secure technical environment using established standards and compliance with data protection regulations. When using computer-aided methods - from statistics to artificial intelligence - and in interdisciplinary research and use of innovative digital methods, you need advice from an expert.
What does this mean in concrete terms for scientific practice? The experts give concrete tips and answer your questions. In addition, the participants have the opportunity to exchange perspectives, challenges and best practice examples and to be inspired.
All interested parties are invited to find out more about the services of the Center for Sustainable Research Data Management (CRDM) and - this time also present - the House of Computing and Data Science (HCDS) at Universität Hamburg from 12 p.m.
The information event is open to the university. Registration is free. The event will take place in German.


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Janis-Marie Paul

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Martin Semmann

Managing Director, HCDS

Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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