

Welcome to Kiez of Computing and Data Science, a platform for interconnectivity in all areas of data science and computation within the metropolitan region of Hamburg, Germany. Our mission is to connect academic institutions as well as public/private partnerships and share expertise and knowledge, resources and tools, and many more within the exciting area of data science.

The need for critical know-how in technical, legal, and ethical aspects of data science is evolving daily in the fast-paced and dynamic areas of science and computation that work with vast quantities of data.

Kiez of Computing and Data Science provides an interdisciplinary forum with expertise and contacts in all aspects of data science to build a connected knowledge base in data research and management which will foster new understanding of complex systems. It implements part of the Data Science & Digitalization topic of PIERPLUS.

Data science topics range from machine learning, artificial intelligence, distributed infrastructure, exascale computing, research data management and research software engineering.

Hamburg, globally renowned as an important European logistics and research hub with an excellence University and premier research institutions offers both, the competencies as well as the network, to tackle Big Data challenges together.

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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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