humans and machines


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Wednesday, April 17th, 2024 | 17:00 -19:00 p.m.

Ethics in Technology and the Future of Morality

Audimax II, TUHH, Am Schwarzenberg Campus 1, 21073 Hamburg

This event will be part of TUHH’s flagship series "Lectures for Future" and marks the beginning of my appointment at TUHH as well as of our new Institute for Ethics in Technology. Prof. Dominic Wilkinson (University of Oxford), Prof. Alena Buyx (Technical University of Munich, Chair of the German Ethics Council) and Dr Andrew Graham (University of Oxford) will contribute to the event.


  • Opening address by the President and Vice-President of Hamburg University of Technology
  • Lecture by Prof. Maximilian Kiener: (TUHH): "Ethics in Technology and the Future of Morality"
  • Input by Prof. Dominic Wilkinson (University of Oxford): "AI and the Future of Informed Consent"
  • Input by Prof. Alena Buyx (TU Munich, Chair of the German Ethics Council) "Humans and Machines"
  • Moderated discussion led by Dr Andrew Graham (University of Oxford).
  • Reception and Get-together


  • Institute for Ethics in Technology

Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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Universität Hamburg
Adeline Scharfenberg
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